What are the benefits of Taurine to all functions of human body? How to ingest?

Column:Company News Time:2023-02-21
Taurine, also known as a-amino Ethanesulfonic acid, is a non protein amino acid containing sulfur, which was found in bovine bile in 1827.

What is Taurine?

Taurine, also known as a-amino Ethanesulfonic acid, is a non protein amino acid containing sulfur, which was found in bovine bile in 1827. Widely present in most organs and tissues of the body, it is an amino acid that can maintain normal physiological functions.

1. What are the benefits of Taurine to all functions of human body?

The role of Taurine can be divided into two aspects, one is the role of infant growth and development, the other is the role of adult regulation, protection and maintenance of normal physiological functions.

1) Protecting the myocardium

The content of Taurine in the heart is the highest, which can strengthen the heart by protecting the heart muscle. In coronary heart disease, because of coronary Arteriosclerosis and stenosis of the lumen, the myocardial blood supply is sometimes severely insufficient, causing myocardial damage. Taurine can effectively protect the myocardium and restore it to normal by adjusting the amount of calcium ions.

2) Protecting the intestines and stomach

In the gastrointestinal tract, Taurine can combine with toxic substances produced by Helicobacter pylori to reduce irritation and alleviate symptoms.

3) Lowering cholesterol

In the liver, cholesterol is converted into cholic acid, which is combined with Taurine to form a complex and discharged into the small intestine with bile, thus reducing cholesterol.

4) Reduce blood sugar

In the pancreas, it can protect pancreatic cells and have certain hypoglycemic and insulin resistance reducing effects.

5) Lowering blood pressure

In the central nervous system, as a neurotransmitter and Neuromodulation, it plays a very important role. It can inhibit the increase of blood pressure and nerve excitation, and has a certain effect on inhibiting Seizure.

6) Protecting vision

There is a large amount of Taurine in the eye. Taurine can significantly improve the repair ability of the cornea, enhance the function of the retina, and also significantly improve the dark vision ability.

In a word, Taurine has many functions, such as protecting the heart, lowering blood pressure, blood fat, blood sugar, reducing fatty liver, enhancing immunity, anti fatigue, anti Arteriosclerosis, etc.

However, it is necessary to use Taurine as an appropriate supplement of nutrients, and it is wrong to use it as a antihypertensive and lipid-lowering drug.

2. How to ingest Taurine?

In human body, Taurine can be synthesized by sulfur-containing amino acids through deoxidation and other processes. At the same time, it can also be supplemented by eating foods rich in Taurine, so there is generally no shortage of Taurine. However, for newborns and preterm infants, some elderly and infirm people, sick people and people with low immunity, due to the weak ability to synthesize Taurine in the body, Taurine needs to be properly supplemented.

Aquatic products such as fish and shellfish and animal viscera are rich in Taurine, but infants cannot eat it yet, and the elderly and infirm are not suitable for eating a high-fat and high-protein diet.

According to research, mammalian milk also contains Taurine. Human milk has a high content (4.5-6.3mg/100g), cow milk has a low content (0.4-0.7mg/100g), and horse milk Taurine has a high mass concentration (13.27mg/100g). And fresh mare milk has low fat and protein content, making it easy to digest and absorb. It can be used as one of the sources of Taurine supplementation for the elderly and infirm.